Tooth Troubles

The last two days have been spent recovering from our colds.  Except for a brief grocery run, the days were spent quietly close to the coach.  All was not lost however; we did get our Christmas cards in the mail among other things.

Today, we felt well enough for normal activity, but the day was anything but normal.  Last week my dentist called with the dreaded you-need-a-root-canal news and today was the consulting appointment with the root-canal specialist.  We rolled out of bed early to make the 9:00 AM appointment in the San Fernando Valley.  Fortunately, the traffic was light and we had enough time for a quick breakfast at Zigs, which is a grill of sorts in the old neighborhood.  Eating there brought back memories and spiked our cholesterol levels.

After a quick inspection, the dentist declared a root-canal was needed and this was my lucky day.  He would be leaving on vacation but could get me in for the procedure this very day!  Lucky me!  Not only that, but this would use up the remainder of my dental insurance benefit for 2005.  How fortunate!  An appointment was set for 3:45 in the afternoon.

The other scheduled event was lunch with Mike, a former Fox co-worker.  Mike made a career change and has been taking classes in the San Fernando Valley towards that end.  So, after some Christmas shopping, we headed for Mission Burrito for lunch and a long visit with Mike.  It was good seeing him again and we very much enjoyed the visit.  After the holidays, we plan to visit again with Mike and his wife Gwen.

After another brief shopping trip, it was back to the dentist.

Truth be told, the root-canal wasn’t all that bad.  In about an hour, we were back in the car heading home.  I could have done without the orientation video which described the procedure.  The part about using flexible drills was a little disturbing.

The rest of the evening was spent quietly at the coach, although my jaw was a little sore.  Maybe tomorrow our life will really return to normal, whatever that is.