Jaws of Steel

When we finally rolled out of bed around 7:00 AM, the sun was shining and the day promised to be clear and warm.

After a quick breakfast, I found Ray and spent some time discussing the finer points of wireless internet connections.  We then took a walk around the area to determine exactly where we would get the coach weighed tomorrow morning.

In much of the RV safety literature, the importance to load balancing and tire maintenance comes up again and again.  The bottom line is tire inflation is dependent on the load they are carrying and overloading, overinflation or underinflation can be dangerous in extreme situations.  It turns out the only way to properly check the weight of the coach and adjust tire pressure is to weigh each wheel position independently.  Normally this is difficult and expensive, but the FMCA provides a co-pay for the test at their rallies.  We took advantage of the program and will get the coach weighed tomorrow.  In view of all the stuff we off-loaded during our stay in Santa Paula, I don’t anticipate we’ll be overloaded.  It will be interesting.

After a quick lunch at the coach we attended a seminar on satellite TV dishes hosted by the maker of our unit, KVH.  It was informative and we learned a few things.  Most interesting was the impact of moisture on the dish dome.  I had no idea how much a little morning dew could degrade a satellite signal.

We also spent about two hours with Bud, Joanne and Steve at their coach.  They are great people and we really enjoyed the visit.

Every day has it’s challenges and today was the motor-mouth at Starbucks.  We located a Starbucks for our internet connection and set up at one of the tables to download messages.  Shortly after arriving, a man and woman sat at the next table and began to visit.  This gal just couldn’t shut up.  It was incredible.  Miss jaws-of-steel jabbered nonstop for an hour and literally drove us out of the cafe.  Once in a while I would shoot a sideways glance at the poor guy who was politely listening to her blather and he would return a rather pained look.  For his sake, I hope it wasn’t the blind date from hell.  Wow, our ears are still ringing.  How could there be that much drama in anyone’s life?

The rally entertainment for tonight featured John Davidson and Jeanne was looking forward to the show.  We arrived to find a packed house.  Unfortunately, we were underwhelmed by his performance and left early.  It was a disappointment.

We spent the remainder of the evening reading and working with the computers.