
From the 26th through the 29th, I was in Seattle visiting with my brother Larry and his wife Linda.  Although we regularly talk on the phone, it has been about two and a half years since we last saw each other.  All in all, I had a great time.  Of special note was the birthday party for Linda, where I re-connected with several people who I hadn’t seen in years.  I even visited with Dan, who was Larry’s roommate in college.  It seems most everyone knew Jeanne and I were traveling and there were lots of questions about the trip and lifestyle.  After a few minutes discussing the trip, people begin visualizing themselves cruising down the highway.  They get that distant look in their eyes.  For most, it is something they always wanted to do, but never will.  Somehow daily life activities gets in the way of living.  Anyway, a good time was had by all and, as usual, the meal Linda prepared was delicious.

Seattle is home for the Boeing Aircraft company and near the Boeing offices is a fantastic aviation museum.  Larry and I spent an entire day there.  Besides having a great time viewing the exhibits, it was a good place to hide out from the awful Seattle weather.   The museum was an unexpected treat and a must-do for anyone visiting Seattle.

The Seattle trip was my first airplane ride since retiring.  There I was, surrounded by business people talking on the phone and doing paperwork.  Anxiety was in the air.  In another life I seem to remember doing the same thing.  Now, it was sort of like an out-of-body experience.  Leaving the airport was a relief.

Retirement is not without its challenges and upon return, the electric toilet needed attention.  The repair didn’t take long, but moving the coach is always a hassle.  In the end, the electric toilet saga had a happy ending.

It should be noted that January 26 is a milestone of sorts — we have now been on the road for two years, although it doesn’t seem that long.  Jeanne and I frequently discuss it.  We expected the trip would last a year at most, but now we are planning events in the third year.  Overall, we achieved our goal of finding a place to live and we’re glad we went about it in this fashion.  A few places we considered for settlement revealed a dark side once we spent some time in the community.  It was a good thing we took time to learn about these areas before buying.

People interested in our travels frequently ask questions like what was our favorite state, strangest experience, most interesting sight, etc.  When confronted with these questions, we’re usually at a loss for words.  How can you begin to describe all the places, people and experiences of a two year journey, let alone make any comparisons?  The conversation usually ends with a referral to this triplog.  The important question, usually unspoken, is “has the trip changed our outlook on life”?  The answer yes.  I now know firsthand that this is a big country with many beautiful things and interesting people.  Most people don’t live a corporate lifestyle, sit in freeway traffic or think of a community as a temporary residence.  Also, the things we buy come from Somewhere and are produced by Someone — usually from one of the flyover states located between California and New York.  We’ve tried to share this with you through this triplog, but words don’t do it justice.  You just have to get out there and see for yourself.

But in the meantime, you’re welcome to travel with us via this triplog.