We got up a little later than usual. Jeanne was not feeling well and decided to skip the workout. It was a smart move, since the ‘Honey Truck” showed up while I was running. Jeanne very much enjoyed supervising the emptying of the waste water tanks.

After cleaning up, we visited with Ed and Mary before they left. We really enjoyed their friendship and hope to keep in touch. By about 3:00 PM, most of the weekend campers were gone and the campground was quiet.
In the late afternoon, we hosted DeeDee, Liz and the two boys, EJ and Joshua. We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs while keeping an eye on the boys. A good time was had by all and we said our goodbyes shortly before sunset. We are happy to see that everyone seems to be making a good life for themselves here.
After dinner, we cleaned up and prepared the coach for departure.